Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Out of time ✨PlayboyFlex✨(On FL)kidnawty (nova) 8 Soundtrack kidnawtyplayboywave2k19 0:01:27 25 263 2019-10-27 Favorite Share 2 1/5 of $UMMERSAMPLES kidnawty (nova) Soundtrack newbietranceexperimentaledmlo-fifunkdowntempomexikodroambient technotechnofuture bassmexiko dropluggzplugindustrial2k19playboicartibihsoundtrackhardcorexoolsynthwavealtosgpdrum and basshousestoopidxoolreggaeplayboi cartibass musicelectrohip hoppluggchiptuneother 0:02:20 17 316 2019-06-22 Favorite Share 3 fuckyoupayme kidnawty (nova) 5 Soundtrack trap 0:00:44 38 477 2018-11-30 Favorite Share 4 stars kidnawty (nova) 4 uncategorized wave 0:00:24 37 366 2018-11-24 Favorite Share 5 kidnawty tag kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:00:03 15 289 2018-07-31 Favorite Share 6 on my line kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:04:08 36 800 2018-07-28 Favorite Share Remix 7 im back kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:01:57 29 776 2018-07-25 Favorite Share Remix 8 Sakasagami no Yura kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:00:36 25 706 2018-06-03 Favorite Share 9 kidnawty x awfulostboi awfulostboi ( on fl now)kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:00:13 11 474 2018-05-22 Favorite Share Remix 10 enticed kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:00:28 30 820 2018-05-16 Favorite Share Remix 11 the kid kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:02:01 31 854 2018-05-07 Favorite Share Remix 12 regrets kidnawty (nova) uncategorized 0:01:52 23 595 2018-04-29 Favorite Share Remix