
8 Followers 0 Following Joined about 4 years ago
Whats popping my name is Drake the rapper drake follow me and win $5,000

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  • hello he told me to scam him and see how it's gonna be a prank on my bestfriend

    so if u don't know anything get out period.

  • yooo no way its drake, please sign my buttcheeks im such a fan

  • Kambomba A

    Cleveland, Ohio

    also I am real Drake the rapper

  • Make a live

  • Ok sorry i had to do something

  • alway's bro

  • audiotool is for music, not drama.

  • what he said

  • if you just wanted to get on audiotool to start drama then get out your not welcome.

  • like srsly?

  • somebody just told me you tried scamming them and then when they figure it out you wanna get mad and say something.

  • One question,what's wrong with you?