
24 Followers 19 Following Joined about 13 years ago

I'm a musician. I've played music for 15 years. I really getting into the electronic scene a lot more. I privately use Reason and Pro Tools but love playing around on here and make and mixing all sorts of sounds. I'm Part of a Robot group named We Are Robots. Also I'm part of another music group named Hyperion and it allows me use my other talents playing Bass, Recording, Singing, and Screaming. I've also started another project with one of my closest friends the band is a 4-5 piece with members changing instruments which is awesome because I love picking up new instruments and playing around with them. It's been a long time since I've been on here, also its been awhile since I've made music for WAR and Hyperion. I'm constantly battling a mental issue that has plagued me since I was a child. I've been trying to reinvent myself with all my projects We Are Robots, Hyperion and Owl and Anchor (Working Title) hopefully I can buckle down and get some new material down to share. I am Josh, I am Kab'n....I am Alpha!

Soundcloud (We Are Robots):

Soundcloud (Hyperion):

Facebook (We Are Robots):


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  • listen and comment please excuse the inconvenience of spam :) MNMLIZER

  • Daymonism please take a listen and tell me what you think? ^^

  • thanks for the com and the follow bro ;)

  • ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░




























