5 Followers 0 Following Joined about 11 years ago

Hi everyone,I am from Taiwan and I am 13

so my English is very very very bad.

and my tracks are not very good.

I am a rookie!

but I will be keep working hard.

Other Account - @xjبٍٍٍٍََُُُِّّّْرٍٍٍٍََُ

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  • 我住在美國。

  • 你好。我的父母也是從台灣來的。在Audiotool 台灣人跟大陸人很少。

  • I'm making new track......

  • Tip: try not to make songs and plublish them in the same day....it's better to wait..... everyday has a different thought and adds flavor to ur music.... keep workin hard....

    this is atrixalan=A_A