
303 Followers 195 Following Joined about 14 years ago

hi all,changed name from jinx

thanks you for listenting to my tracks and following me.

Tips and feed are welcome :)

first collaboration with Tornsage,first song soon


the collaboration between me,cripta,WG,and sbronz @The Four Horsemen

Our latest track featuring me and cripta Shine in the Night

Here is my new track in collaboration with MIKKE

Arriving somewhere but not here

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  • Congratulations! One of your tracks made it into our Extra Long Mix playlist on our Youtube Channel To get the project going and to reach and inspire as many people as possible to promote you and Audiotool with such actions, we rely on your support. Please make a lot of noise on all your channels and distribute it among your friends.


  • Hey M8!

    If you have not liked, let me salvage what I've done and see a new idea. But you have to tell me honestly. What do you say?

  • Hey M8!

    I changed a bit the idea of the draft, discarding the grunts and adding chords summery electro ^_^

    Check it, I hope you like ;)

  • grazie lollo :)

  • This sounds interesting ... today I will work on it ;)

  • Hey @LowFeel !!

    Thank you for all those faves <3

  • Hey @LowFeel

    Thnx 4 the follow!

    Thnx 4 the faves!

    Viva la Fiesta!

    Have a nice day ;)

  • sentita adezo... cmq penso ho capito cosa vuoi fare... carina cmq... vedrò cosa posso aggiuncerci co sto computer de merda... stavo pensando di comprarmi un mac eheh

  • meno male ghe ho letto allora

  • frogio chi legge

  • sto ascoltando... la melodia e´ carina... e il beat mi piace. Inizio ad aggiuncerci qualcosa? :)

  • tutto tuo

  • va pene

  • ...abbena du ezzere uscido

  • ora io aprire draft