Tracks Templates datepopular 1 oh.... sigh.... it's a miracle j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 1 Hip Hop madlibboombaprapsample chopsboom bapj dillarapping9th wondermf doom 0:04:38 119 2174 2024-05-27 Favorite Share Remix 2 tomorrow is here. (w/ gobi) j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 1 Hip Hop boom baplofirap 0:02:39 105 1866 2023-09-21 Favorite Share Remix 3 Watch me wither away j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 3 Hip Hop madlibchopsj dilllaboombapj dogsample chopscrazy chopssample 0:07:30 78 1070 2024-09-10 Favorite Share Remix 4 DIE... DIE,,, DIE... j dog is thinking Synthwave 0:00:32 1 24 2022-09-18 Favorite Share Remix 5 MF DOOM - All Caps instumental j dog is thinking Hip Hop mf doomhiphoprap 0:00:27 1 29 2022-10-05 Favorite Share Remix 6 i've been listening to a lot of death grips recently j dog is thinkingPunMaster1 Newbie yellingexperimental 0:00:30 1 15 2022-10-09 Favorite Share Remix 7 uncomfortable j dog is thinking Experimental uncomfortable 0:03:20 1 6 2022-10-24 Favorite Share Remix 8 I would be lying if I said I miss you j dog is thinking Newbie lo-filofieasy listeningniceguitar 0:05:09 1 20 2022-10-24 Favorite Share Remix 9 U j dog is thinking Newbie 0:00:52 1 30 2022-11-11 Favorite Share Remix 10 you know? newyork j dog is thinking Experimental otherexperimentalnewyork 0:02:46 1 10 2022-11-24 Favorite Share Remix 11 when the goofy goof goof ahhhhhhhh gooofy j dog is thinking Trap traphouseraphiphop 0:02:28 1 18 2022-11-26 Favorite Share Remix 12 Untitled j dog is thinking Bass Music jazzlo-fi 0:00:52 1 25 2022-12-17 Favorite Share Remix