Tracks Templates datepopular 1 oh.... sigh.... it's a miracle j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 1 Hip Hop madlibboombaprapsample chopsboom bapj dillarapping9th wondermf doom 0:04:38 119 2174 2024-05-27 Favorite Share Remix 2 tomorrow is here. (w/ gobi) j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 1 Hip Hop boom baplofirap 0:02:39 105 1866 2023-09-21 Favorite Share Remix 3 Watch me wither away j dog is thinkinglaframtoe 3 Hip Hop madlibchopsj dilllaboombapj dogsample chopscrazy chopssample 0:07:30 78 1070 2024-09-10 Favorite Share Remix 4 No one understands, but me j dog is thinking Hip Hop madlibfunkchopsboombapsample chopssoulj dillasample 0:02:52 19 68 10 days ago Favorite Share Remix 5 most toilets cant handle my massive poops (atd24) j dog is thinking 1 Funk atdsynthjazzjazzatd24synth jazzshitty musicaudiotool day 0:04:29 27 656 2025-01-03 Favorite Share Remix 6 I'm on parole but I'm still buying crack // johnny sins pays my j dog is thinkingChonoesHonor amongst crooks 8 Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:04:25 27 142 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 7 I want my Oreo milk dunked in cow sandwich cookie j dog is thinkingChonoesHonor amongst crooks Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:02:55 29 103 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 8 All the baddies check the weather app and the fact you don't know the weather tells me all I need to know j dog is thinkingChonoesescapiisttHonor amongst crooks 10 Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:01:36 29 121 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 9 I delude myself with visions of grandeur j dog is thinkingChonoesescapiisttHonor amongst crooks 6 Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:02:07 31 109 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 10 The smoking gun j dog is thinkingChonoesHonor amongst crooks 7 Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:01:36 27 142 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 11 The earth has cancer and that cancer is man Honor amongst crooksChonoesj dog is thinking Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:03:25 24 51 2024-11-03 Favorite Share Remix 12 26 dead Hookers in my basement come up and get me j dog is thinkingChonoesHonor amongst crooks Drum & Bass breakdancebreakstepbreakbreakbeatbreakbeatsbreakcore 0:03:30 25 100 2024-11-02 Favorite Share Remix