14 Followers 4 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • everyone take a look at the account of my first at friend lmao

  • Hey, it's good to see you back (or atleast as active as possible).

    You were my first true friend on Audiotool back in 2013. (Your song "The Apocalypse Remix" was a remix of my song)

    Hope you become more active! I've become so much better than back then..


  • Btw, I'm back again. I'm in college now, so I'll try to be more active

  • uhh, yes I am alive, I've just been VERY BUSY!!! I;m trying to enlist into the Air Force, and it's going very slow. I'll be one here and there, but I'm not giving up on AT. So, for ll you haters, suck my A**, cause I'm never going to quit, ill just ne inactive some times. :) Thanks ExPe for hanging in there with me.

  • he isnt alive ._.


    Yeah. I've become pretty good lately ;)

  • Pls.

    Pls come back. You was my first friend I ever had on AT.


    Check out my tracks. I've gotten immensely better. :)

  • oh my jesus. Im back now for good. Ive been very busy, time to start gettin serious. if Anyone has any tips or tutorials on youtube on making sweet music on audiotool, let me know please

  • Bruhhhh where'd you goooo

  • Created a Remix! Check it out! Leave a comment on what ya think.

  • Bro, you should check out this song called, Next Big Thing by Throttle . It is amazing! (It is not on Audiotool)

  • I made 2 remixes, come check them out!

  • Published! Go take a look! (Please leave feedback!)

  • Nice, can't wait to hear it.