
17 Followers 17 Following Joined about 10 years ago

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  • i didnt know until a few weeks ago so it's not nooby

    and basically it means that you are in a creative block, and you cant come up with anything

  • thanks bro

  • also listen to famous songs to try to figure out the structure

  • yeah they're pretty good for a beginner!

  • Do you like my music?

  • Thanks for the follow aswell

  • Cheers bro. I love your music.

    I like electro too :)

  • so yeah start using less loops and more synths and melodies. also pick your main genre you want to make. mine is prog/electro house, but I also like to do a lot of other stuff.

  • tips? after getting used to the flow of audiotool, start using the synths. particularly the heisenberg and pulverisatuer. they take years to master but don't worry you'll get the gist of them soon.