
96 Followers 31 Following Joined about 12 years ago



me playing guitar

@http ://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/400785_361071200645679_739779700_n.jpg



-real name is Jasper

-Hi I'm a 15 year old boy

- I live in the Netherlands

-I'm playing piano and a littlebit guitar / bassguitar



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- the reason why I have audiotool is because it's a other side of music to make it with a computer istead of playing in a band.


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my collab acounts:

@INFI'KNIGHT (with LSD, POISND and <<collapsillation>>)

@The Rebellion


Ceck my Tracks !

favortite / comment.??? :)

do not fear to post something on my wall












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