
25 Followers 19 Following Joined about 13 years ago

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  • most faggot name ive ever heard

  • Feel free to spam on my wall, hotstuff.


  • Nope, can't say I've heard of that artist. :P

  • rattle by bingo players

  • hey jake, which mix are you referring to? whats the date on it?

  • 4 actually...and one of which was a remix of my own remix

  • Make an Original seriously =) you done like 5 remixes in a row

  • ok watev. im slowly working on it. its kinda hard to get it how i want

  • IDK if you read any of the comments on my other tracks, but when I originally said I was working on it, I said I was working on a chilled out DNB track. I f you dont believe me, you can check. And anyways, are you working on the remix of it??

  • there. you happy?

    ur stuff is too slow fr me to fav normally. btw: DONT TAKE MY IDEA ON A DNB REMIX OF YOUR SONG. thats my idea. ideas are subject to copyright also bro.

  • Is it like impossible for you to favorite any of my stuff?? I fav everything you do. Unless its complete shit, but still

  • awesome music dude

  • i used like half. thanks