
13 Followers 16 Following Joined about 8 years ago

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  • check out my new track

  • Yeah If you link me too it

  • Yeah. You can remix my track and publish it. Include that I am the original author. (Creative commons)

  • If you're going to remix something, make significant changes. My remix of StageFright and Berserk's track added an entire minute's worth of original synths, melodies, drum patterns, chords etc.

  • So same answer as last time you asked I guess

  • I'm going to say no because from your tracks it looks like you don't actually remix anything. You just put your name on it and change the cover art

  • When are you gonna post my songs? It's been 3 weeks.

  • Thanks bro!


  • Well if you post my songs I would expect full credit. After all I did MAKE the songs. If you want to split the credit 50/50 that's okay too. If you want to take half the credit for posting and I'll take half the credit for making/producing.

  • nah i dont have a youtube

  • I'm going to say no because none of your "remixes" are really remixes. All you've done is whacked an extra sample on other people's tracks :/

  • yo new track out

  • what song do you want credit for?