Tracks Albums 1 confused naswalt 1 Funk naswaltfunksynthwavevocalsbass 0:03:24 120 2704 2018-10-03 Favorite Share 2 dancing in the dark naswalt 1 Funk new wavenaswaltretrovocalsdrums 0:03:30 121 4592 2019-04-20 Favorite Share 3 made to love naswalt 1 Electro naswaltvocalsailove 0:03:04 108 1605 2019-05-20 Favorite Share Remix 4 the man I knew naswalt 1 Downtempo naswaltvocalsregret 0:02:40 91 2016 2019-05-13 Favorite Share 5 mechanical hand naswaltnaut 1 Other rocknaswaltguitarnautskye let me go 0:04:03 153 2716 2019-08-28 Favorite Share Remix