
118 Followers 38 Following Joined about 13 years ago

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  • i love your vocal presets <3

  • Hey check out my new track StrangelyHappyDnB[Remix Contest 2012]

    ITS A REMIX CONTEST!!! All you have to do to participate is comment and favorite my original. Whoever gets the most favorites on their remixed version wins! THIS CONTEST ENDS JUNE 30TH 2012! HURRY AND WIN!

  • Good Beats

  • wanna join a dubstep collab ?

  • thats what i do in the band im in and you can actually look us up on facebook we are called Naomi Wise.... the song we have up on our face book doesnt have any dubstep bass wobbles in it yet but we should be recording the next track soon and it will be up anyways hope to hear from you :)

  • hello IAMDINO was just hoping you could get back to me on my request.... if you cant make anymore vocals like you did with UnderOath i understand but i used those samples you made in my latest track and it seems to be my best track yet.... idk if you even checked it out and im not clamming to be very good but i really do like the vocal samples you've made and id really appreciate it if you could make more i love mixing hardcore or metal with dubstep....

  • Hey, what is the actual name of your saddest piano ever sample? i wanna learn how to play it

  • if i could make a request.... can you please make some more vocal samples of heave stuff like UnderOath... i dont have the ability to do that and i just dropped a new track using the samples you made.... Please and thank if you can...

  • I used on of your loops. Thought it was a vocal... Thanks.