
84 Followers 47 Following Joined about 12 years ago

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  • Be careful with that remix buddy ;)

  • Hey you might already know us, but if not, my music partners and I have made great progress lately and we'd love for you to check us out! (Zir0h, GREK, SYNRGY). if you know us then please give our pages another visit :)

    If you liked our track Convergence, be sure to check out our latest release called Coalescence!!

    Thanks for listening! and stay classy ;D


  • PRIDE can weigh you down. PRIDE can lift you up. Whether rise or fall; it's up to you.


    Check out my new EP, when you have the time. Thanks! <3

  • Thanks for the fav!!! :)

  • new song

  • Thank you for the follow! :)

  • Great work! keep it up!

    Feel free to listen to some of my tracks! Follow me if you'd like! Cheers! :)

  • not bad

  • this is a comment lel

  • Hey I know it has been like forever since I finished a song but I am really happy with this track and would really love for you to check it out :D --->