
8 Followers 9 Following Joined 2 weeks ago

This is my alt acc... actually I have a lot

First account: @[♰ N30N ♰].$LAYER ♰

My boi: @Filoy

Games: -- MW2 & MW3 --

---my homi who is a BEAST at engineering---

@LV! I respect him...FUCK with him..u FUCK with the DEMON me



Roses r dead...violets r dying....outside im smiling......but inside the ME is PAIN and TeArS No HoPe nO eMoTiOnS just emotionless...

--2 things that i do...--

I always keep my friends Pain...even if it cost my LIFE

Im just like deadpool when it comes to GIRLS...if u knOW u know.. "THEIRS SOME THINGS U CANT CHANGE"

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