My new stuff will be posted on my personal site every other Sunday: (link is only visible to registered users)
I've been absent from this platform for a long time now, and due to the nature of my newest projects it's unlikely that Audiotool will ever be my main platform again. I may return eventually, but most of what I do is being posted on YouTube, Soundcloud, or my website. I'm mostly using Reason now, but occasionally Caustic 3 as well. Here's my latest set of tracks: (link is only visible to registered users)
It contains most of the work I did between 2019 and the end of 2020/beginning of 2021.
I'm currently exploring house music (old-school style, deep house, progressive, etc). I should be releasing my latest work by the new year.
My new stuff will be posted on my personal site every other Sunday: (link is only visible to registered users)
I've been absent from this platform for a long time now, and due to the nature of my newest projects it's unlikely that Audiotool will ever be my main platform again. I may return eventually, but most of what I do is being posted on YouTube, Soundcloud, or my website. I'm mostly using Reason now, but occasionally Caustic 3 as well. Here's my latest set of tracks: (link is only visible to registered users)
It contains most of the work I did between 2019 and the end of 2020/beginning of 2021.
I'm currently exploring house music (old-school style, deep house, progressive, etc). I should be releasing my latest work by the new year.
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I'm doing a Listening Party on Bandcamp 7pm tonight for my new release 'The 7Day EP'
(It starts in 3 hrs 30 from posting this!)
Check it here first, see if you like it:
(link is only visible to registered users)
(It's also a link to the Listening Party)
You're welcome to join to listen & chat to people at the same time!
Thanks for reading.
(Follow if you like):
what happened to our track Wub And Dub?
Dear fans of the Norway Gang,
We have released our 4th album, you can find it here:
We Love Norway
We love to hear your feedback. And if there is a track of yours that you want to be given feedback on, feel free to show it. We love to hear everyone's music!
-Fredrik from The Norway Gang
Hello old friend,
how are you doing?
Thanks for the follow!
Glad to see you still remember me. :)
(link is only visible to registered users)
Would you be interested in a collab? I'm keeping busy as well, but I still find time to make tracks on here.
Thanks for being my 100 follower. Love your sound to.
I've got a remix competition going on right now. Just wondering if you would be interested in being a part of it.
Hello, hope you had a nice Christmas :)
I got the notification from your message, but I couldn't see it posted on Wannacry. I'll do a final remaster sometime soon, and will take what you mentioned into account.
Hey, are you still around?
Cheers f following mate ;)
maybe check my tracks?