Sassy Gun

16 Followers 23 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • hi there , looking for some hard music ,, stop by and see what i got .

  • u like emenim i have more but here is a small sample the u can use

    emenim-superman 1,2 (acapella)

  • 3 the hard way by Beastie boys accapella uploaded to audiotool 6 samples in total

    eminem/d12 purple pills accapella uploaded to audiotool 11 samples in total

    i may upload some more accepllas tomorrow still have tons more to go.

  • just up loaded a bunch of new acapellas...1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8, enemin= cleaning out my closet, depeche mode = only when i lose myself, beat this(forgot what it is), do that dance, icouold eat you, try a piece of ur friend 1, medium f**k'in rare, try a pice of ur friend 2, catch and cook..and still many many more to come

  • now that i've seen your wall. atr learn understand and follow. atr= atairi teenage riot

  • ;D

  • so is yours;)

  • thnx leon xd

  • welkom bij AT !... ;-)

  • hehe thanks and i like your stuff to ;)

  • Haha deep :P

    But thanks for the follow :)

    i like your stuff :)

    (as youre new here im gunna give you a headstart - check out my series of templates "awesome synth sounds". im adding one a week and the latest one is a knife party style bass (check my ttrack black hole)

  • think at the people you mis the most whe're you wanne be right now..

    but then you think that you can't talk to them because you're not good enough, or they not take you is YOU really are. You can't live with that so your gonna do stoupit things like drink, smoke ,...