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instagram:_pardon.me_ youtube:hambrightfilms
I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.
Spreading smiles like they’re herpes.
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a lotta spam here
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new album
DEXTER! sample chalenge
Tell me what you think
new track. feedback welcome Zen Rain 现在没有回头路
No Surface
(退色) Faded
X X X T E N T I O N C O R D ( R A S I)
Invite me to something
My Rolex
instagram:_pardon.me_ youtube:hambrightfilms
I’m not crazy, my reality is just different than yours.
Spreading smiles like they’re herpes.
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a lotta spam here
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new album
DEXTER! sample chalenge
Tell me what you think
new track. feedback welcome Zen Rain 现在没有回头路
No Surface
(退色) Faded
X X X T E N T I O N C O R D ( R A S I)
Invite me to something
(link is only visible to registered users)
My Rolex