
278 Followers 193 Following Joined about 8 years ago
had a song i wanted to post but guess it wait

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  • I saw the glimbo's misfortune video, very funny

    • i see wym now. doesnt even show up unless i go to the vid. i already have a new alias i plan on going to for this reason. too many same name accounts.

    • oh nvm there's another person on youtube named grawlix

  • where did you go

    • Funny enough I still check my audiotool update email like every other day lol

    • I grew up without a sense of self. My abilities fell short of my ears standard. I started to dislike anything i made, including ableton. It’s been too long, that and finding out people just wanna rip what decent tracks i had and nothing ever came of trying to stop it. Lot of big life stuff in-between.

  • someone named dubstepkid on youtube tried to rip your track, thought i'd let you know

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  • I released a new track today called Yuck Nasty Filth. I'd love your feedback on it <3

  • Snails of Audiotool

  • Will you please teach me what you know?

  • reasons why i dont get on audiotool besides being busy (not trying to hate just giving reasons for absence) : 1. my internet not great but loading tracks to listen to is painfully slow and i can load soundcloud like 10x faster so idk maybe this one is just me. 2. im not a comp geek but even with booster in a large draft i can barely use the studio unless i only look at timeline view to play the timeline (laptop is loaded so specs should be out of question)

    • ive only been back recently cause I had a PC built. I hadn't been able to run the program for years previously without insane lag

    • having the keyboard open by default was an option added recently.

      damn shame but you gotta do what you gotta do I suppose

    • i am aware about the f4 for cables but yeah it only helped a little. theres more i could say bit this is just main stuff and honesty maybe there are solutions to my complaining. mainly just the load times for me and given ableton isnt based in a browser you can see where my problems are cut in half.

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  • holy shit

  • aww did they remove the spectrum at the bottom of the page on the player :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((

  • hi grawlix

  • Yoo online! What's up?

    • sorry was really gettin into a draft. wassupppppp im chillin putting homework aside today and click =ed on my bookmark for audiotool

  • if youre reading this, just logged in. life update: been in college, got a gf, been working a good paying job, still "regularly" learning with Ableton, just bought a car, and i turned 22.

    • You won't be forgotten

    • i joined this site for the first time in summer 2015, was 14 yrs old bruh. feel old ash

    1 more
  • you still check this site my guy? if so ill tell you i certainly havent forgotten about you, was just listening to some old tunes from back in the glory days. the long gone glory days. hope youre doing well irl.

    • yooo whats your old alias, literally just logged in for the first time in almost a year

  • Hey Grawlix, I made a new song, I would love it if you could check it out. Thx!

    • bruh

    • hey It's me, titan, I made a new account, and this is it. Just wanted to let you know.

  • hey! i saw you listened to my boss track but didnt comment :c i was hoping to hear from you....did you not like it? :'c

    • i appreciate your time and feedback! it means a lot, and i's good to hear you are hard at work improving yourself. keep up the hard work!!!

    • sorry, i was probably in class and had to be sneaky so I probably closed the page without saying anything. im on campus for 8 hours the days i go so I mustve been busy. my apologies, i will give you some sincere feedback