Sonic Particles

272 Followers 32 Following Joined about 10 years ago
Collab project with @Mikke : @Sonixphere

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  • Sounds good. Hey, would you be willing to let me check one of your sessions out by chance? I want to see how you get everything sounding so good. I need a mentor

  • I see that you are here.

  • Hey, good to see you your're online again! Anything new in the making?

  • You hid all of your tracks

  • can you like come back

  • ...

  • you pushed forward my imagination of what is possible here on AT!

  • Come baack please

  • I don't want to be that guy, but you need to come back ;)

  • ey You need to come back.

  • ey come back

  • You need to come back.

  • what is your "real" project name? because it looks like you doing this long enough)

    it is also rare to see someone doing psy on AT

  • Thanx for your favs and comments man!

    Good to know ;-)

  • Please tell me that you are back dude! You are one of my ideals on Audiotool!