
67 Followers 76 Following Joined about 10 years ago

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  • Hey check out my latest album FACES EP i hope you like fav, and enjoy.

    ~ APEX

  • new track

  • Hey man,

    I wanted to stop by and thank you for being one of my fans, it means a lot to me! I couldn't have made it to where I am today without you guys! So, because of this, I want to know whether you would be interested or have enough time to join my contest in honor of my first 100 followers! I have the link here: "Mystique" Almost 100 Followers Remix Contest it contains all the rules/regs. Deadline is June 30th.

    lemme know if you can join

    ¡†¡ Peace ¡†¡


  • Ok would collab

  • i dont, ive been looking for some good rapper vocals to use but i havn't found any yet, if you find some could you let me know?

  • thanks :D

  • hi


  • I just thought I might take some time to to show some appreciation to all my followers and wish you guys a Merry Quaid E Azam Day (cuz Christmas is overrated), so yea have a good day :D

  • new track

  • yeah bruh

  • long time no speak bruh

  • leads and subbas also my style it has to have trap on the drop somewhere. More like trolley snatcha

  • Open A collab with me and I will show you the dubstep synths. Do you want to make leads, bass, subbass, or all of them?