
257 Followers 160 Following Joined about 14 years ago

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  • ngl ur really underrated especially since u have been here for 14 years and only have about 255 f

  • mad underrated

  • Bonjour!

  • Maître du voyage astral

    Hello, could you please listen to my new song and give me a comment, maybe a like if you like it, but above all an opinion of what you think. Thanks for your attention and sorry for the spam ...

  • mornin

  • If you liked our track Convergence, check out our latest release called Coalescence!!

    Thanks for listening! and stay classy ;D

  • I'm sorry u had to hear valentine with vocals only XD I'm redoing the vocals thats why in needed the files lmao

  • I remixed your home office entry and invited you. In there, I included some ways that I approached the vinyl-simulation. Particularly, the two serially-chained waveshaper is supposed to destroy/distort the sound a little bit. Additionally, I added two ways where you could simulate the vinyl-pitchshifting. 1) Pulsar 2) Rasselbock. They both have different characteristics and I only enabled one of them for now. You can Bypass or Mute one of them to test! and see which one you like.

    • Gosh, thanks, i was waiting for the results to come out to work on this since if it gets published on a vinyl there's no need to simulate it. I've tried with both the rassel and pulsar too and since they only produce square waves it's sound like slow trills or a turntable having a seizure ^^

      We need an autonomous LFO module with different waves to do that i think.

      I couldn't have the sound i wanted, but still thanks a thousand times :)

    • Anyways, play and adjust with the parameter. And copy it to your original entry! Hope you have fun. I learned from it too! (like how the Pulsar actually doesn't do the vibrato as I want it to)

    • For the Pulsar pitch-shifting, the pitchshift is like a square wave (like trill on a keyboard), and also at regular interval. I don't think vinyls pitch-shift like that unless you have uniformly warped record.

      As for the rasselbock, it has the benefit of being able to "vibrato" only one part of the measure (which is what an actual vinyl does!), and so you see I "warped" the vinyl at the last beat of every measure. (very slightly, 2.9%) and I also decreased the speed a little bit (tone = 99.5%)

  • content de te découvrir grâce au home office!

  • Wow ! J'arrive pas à croire que j'ai jamais vu ton profil avant... Surtout que ça fait 10 ans que t'es là :o Moi même ça fait 8 ans (j'étais @Tailmf avant), peut être qu'on s'est croisé dans The French Impact ?

    En tout cas j'adore tes tracks à l'esprit cinématique, et ton home office challenge est super aussi

    • I have the most comfortable ass in the world ! :D - juste histoire de raviver des vieux souvenirs ahah ! Il me semble que j'avais eu RiJay, puis Blackjaxx comme pseudos, mais j'ai supprimé mon ancien compte il y a longtemps... Mes sons étaient totalement claqués au sol, j'avais une obsession des basses très grasses et des gros kick pour que ça passe ahah, honteux

    • Carrément, j'étais fan d'Alchemist, de Korvent, j'étais trop content d'avoir fait une collab avec ArmandoAP haha.. @sea foam and the wind t'étais qui à l'époque ?

    • Désolé pour l'incrust' les gars ahah, mais ce com' m'a clairement tapé dans l'oeil... FI, c'était vraiment il y a une éternité ! J'y ai passé un bref moment dedans... de l'époque, je me souviens de DJ LEM, MatChups, Korvent, Sharkyyo, Alchemist, ArmandoAP, islyz... Tailmf, je me rappelle aussi clairement, mais il me semble pas qu'on s'était déjà parlé, en tout cas on avait pas fait de collab. Et Pyra, je te découvre aussi grâce au contest :) Très planant ton ambient, je suis fan :)

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