Tracks Albums 1 Gambit JetdarcKibbey Chiptune upbeatelectronickibvideo gameadventurejetdarc 0:04:31 136 3005 2018-07-21 Favorite Share 2 Blurred shapes Lavalamp 1 Synthwave retroelectroindustrialcyberpunk 0:04:29 46 518 2022-05-11 Favorite Share Remix 3 Death or Glory (fixed bass) Client 1 Synthwave darksynthcyberpunk 0:05:08 34 362 2022-05-14 Favorite Share 4 Out of the walls Lavalamp 1 Synthwave electro industrialretrowavesynthretro 0:02:56 77 1015 2022-03-04 Favorite Share Remix