Tracks Albums 1 Let me go (prod poet/ Caps Ctrl) po6tpo9t 2 Hip Hop newbieexperimentalwrldunderatedemopeepdepressionhardronnyundergroundraplofitrapjuiceomglilxxxtentationuzipoetbeatartistssoundcloudspotifyripfreestyletypesad 0:02:55 144 3219 2020-08-17 Favorite Share 2 I just want to talk to you owtlet 1 Hip Hop 0:02:40 422 12399 2020-09-16 Favorite Share 3 Headspace po6tpo9t 2 Hip Hop experimentalxxxtentacionindiepeepdepressionrapheadlofitrapwittlilboipoetchopspacelowrybeatvocalssoundcloudspotifyguitarambientrnbtypesad 0:03:03 228 4336 2020-09-02 Favorite Share