
2 Followers 0 Following Joined about 12 years ago

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  • Fuck you

  • Go and make your own music.

    But don't steal.

    It's just not right.

  • Can't beleive he's still around!

  • Dude.... Not cool dude... SImply sucks///

  • if he was, although there will be plentyf of ppl to disagree with me on this i would gladly give him a second chance to redeem himself by actually trying to make something original rather then take something that isnt his and claim it as if he did make.... i will pray for you sir..... i know im not perfect myself but please see what your doing is wrong

  • and im sorry to anyone who he did steal their tracks and claim them to be his its not right and i hope this DixieChumps gets whats coming to him.... as a christian that i am you are not suppose to down someone else for what they do but pray for them that they see the errors of their ways.... and maybe just maybe when this guy gets back on he will see what he has done wrong and possibly fix it.....

  • i feel i should stand up for whats right along with the community i have grown to love.... what this guy is doing is wrong and i hope that if enough ppl are to keep commenting im sure it will get to the right ppl and they will do something about this guy.....

  • On a personal note, I have my work stolen nearly every day at my job. It bothers me, but it is part of life. It affects promotions/reputation/salary. So I know it hurts, but hurting the person is wrong and there are ways to prove your value if you have substance. In all, I do not believe I have ever lost as a result of someone else taking or sabotaging my work.

  • The value of AT is the CC license, so tracks must be protected, but just for those who use hate speech, it's wrong and degenerates our community. I failed myself in an earlier incident and I regret it. I do not want people to be afraid to publish under CC, so I can remix and learn. So, if actions were to report to site authorities thank you for doing that.

  • Although i am done with this .... Person .. I do not regret my action or roll .. And The way people here come together and support eachother both in negative situations and good situations leaves something to be desired in most . they were not taken in anger. more so spite for Thievery. all reports have been made

    IF i loose respect from fellow audio toolers for standing for what i believe. it will sting because i care.. however i would play the part of nemesis again

  • I would hate to lose respect for my AT friends because of lack of control :(

  • 2 - action is to report to proper authority (e.g. site admin). If there should be a flood of communication, it should be to report abuse. 3 - each original artist really has to make the report to site admins outside of audiotool because each original artist is responsible for enforcing the license.

  • From my fb comment: I've realized from this episode: 1 - Hate speech is always wrong. State the complaint to the user without assigning negative label to the person themselves. The action is what can be criticized, devaluing the person makes us as bad as any internet site. I regret my hate on another user for a similar incident.

  • ...read the terms and conditions, be sure that your comments are clean, ...

    7 Legitimate use... I allready saw racist comments... If you are on the other side on your own, you cant piss at somebodys leg!... thats my mainmessage

  • you steal one more and I really will get some audiotooler to rap (will make a song) to get you of Audiotool if song gets more than 50 likes you will be banned by Creative Commons