That Canadian Guy

40 Followers 37 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • Hey guys I'm going to self advertise on my brothers channel so yeah, You guys can come out and look at my music that'd be great, if you enjoy follow my brother and I

  • check out my latest track called . "Challenger Approaching"



  • thanks bro!

  • Trides I wouldn't mind if you listened to it either, Trides , or even liked it I've said Trides way too many times, its the name of the song Trides this is probably really annoying you right now, I'll say it one more time, wait naa, or should I, AHHHHHH this is really confusing, .....ok fine.... so yeah

  • Keep Up the Good Work !!

  • Hey hey, my first track in everness... I wouldn't give a snugg if ya checked it out

    Pilot (ft. Rysco)

    Thank ya fur ya time

  • -->

    About all the ignorant people in the world who follow the authority and whats expected of them instead of whats right

  • Thanks, do you mind favoriting a few :)

  • Srry for the spam but i think this is my breakout The Cobra please check it out and you won't regret it :)