
4 Followers 0 Following Joined about 7 years ago

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  • Peep dis,Tek in da house.

  • You can just open a track, change what you don`t like and then re publish it

    • Great,I listened to some of your stuff.Interesting.Sounds pretty good,nice quality,nice sound.Catchy singing,grabs your attention.I like how your experimenting,with different sounds and styles and gendres.I see your into your heavy funk,looking for a funkadelic sound.I really like the dubstep and think that this is the way to move forward into the future.Dubstep and trap are the sounds of tomorrow.I don't think i need to add or take away.I don't really play with other peoples stuff.Start finsh,

  • Can you assess my last two tracks please?

    • great stuff.I listened to your tracks-great stuff-I like it.I specially like 'Your my life'.I really like that.I am very into hard dance,techno aswell as other stuff like hip hop,dubstep,trap.I think that these are the gendres of the future.I like the sound and the quality and the originality and uniquness.It seems as though you heve been studying your craft and have progressed from the heavy ambient to the heavier club stuff.I guess your aim is to get played in the clubs and get radio play.