David Cook

6 Followers 8 Following Joined about 11 years ago

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  • (David) Excellent beat. Funky and catchy. 20/20 for Beat Factory.

    Mix-a-beat: Hookups: 4/4 Volume: 4/4 EQ 4/4 Panning 4/4 Aux FX: 4/4

    BONUS XP: Bass line 5 xp

  • The bell is awesome refine your envelope a little bit and it would be better.

  • This beat has a good dancing groove to it but you have to pay more attention

  • this beat was awesome you just need to fix the bass drums

  • this beat sounds just like a bell but you have to add a couple of frequencies to make it a little better

  • This is actually pretty close to a bell, just add some inharmonic frequencies and refine your envelope a bit. Work on your other two sounds with two different pulverisateurs.

  • The things that this person has done well is change the sonds.

    This is very good project

    This project can be a little better

    This project has nice sound

    This project will be better if it had a little more pace

    But overall this is a tremondous project

  • Awesome groove with the cymbals. Use the instructions to place your Bass Drum and Snare in the right spots.

  • Awesome groove with the cymbals. Use the instructions to place your Bass Drum and Snare in the right spots.