
16 Followers 20 Following Joined about 1 year ago

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  • hey u wanna be my new group

  • hello

    i originally had 2 cat

    lunar and coco

    but i went to pick up my new white cat

    he reminded me of tabi so my baby boy is now called tabi

    but i went somewhere else to get more cat stuff

    and i saw a litter of kittens 2 females and 3 males

    i now have 8 cats and i need names for my kittens

    can u give me some suggestions??

  • Good morning! How are you?

    3 more
  • yooo wassup, mind if you follow me back plz

  • welcome to AT hope you have excellent experience here. feel free too listen to my latest track

    Fit For

  • I appreciate your follow, and you listening to my songs, have a wonderful day

  • Thanks for the follow I really appreciate it! Also happy late welcome!

    • Alright well good night and talk to you tomorrow! :)

    • Well gonna head to bed night!

    • So True! That might work for me, Although theirs a lot to choose from and they all seem amazing! cant make up my mind lol. I was working on some Trap but kinda got lost... lol might try some rap I don't really know but I Can't Wait.

    4 more