
2 Followers 4 Following Joined about 4 years ago
A Regular Ableton Dude, This software was found by @CRXYN on discord

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  • Boinziens

  • Thanks for the follow, very appreciated :D

  • @Deoxyribose

    As i said im not a mean guy but you. you make my day die. all tf you want is attention. yes you may be young. but You don't even work as hard as someone like me who make music for the fun of things, so i can teach people to be better. you make music. to advertise. to become better. to self pleasure. i was like that once. and that me got nowhere. so instead of keep saying cheapo fuck i just say stop with your crap. and do the right thing.

  • imma do this for the memes

  • oi welcome to audio of ze tools, Disc if you wanna collab