
2 Followers 2 Following Joined about 14 years ago

Alessandro Serri aka CyberKiller was born December 2, 1995 in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, is a Sardinia DJ and producer and his idol is SKRILLEX.The 11-11-11 on a beautiful sunny morning, he founded together with his great friend ''NTP'' the group ''THE CRAZY DESTROYERS'' with projects very clear in the mind and a desire to break into the world of music, maybe getting some contract.

His passions are music and football and joined up right here AudioTool to show off their talents and receive many like.

You can add it on facebook, is included as an''Alessandro Serri ', if you want to add it and then I like to put his tracks here at AudioTool in his profile or in the profile of his group ''The Crazy Destroyers'' with NTP!


Good Listening

The Crazy Destroyers on Audiotool:


Listen his big remix on you tube like,comment and share plz ;)


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