
1 Followers 1 Following Joined about 6 years ago
As far as my phone2graphic and PC music maker 'skills' are concerned (long time ago in tech sense) with Fast Tracker both versions, I should be like a phonetomusical punker, but anarchy is not my personal project and so on and so on...So, let's see how to finish this...Hm...One day, as all of us - some of the brightest ones will take us a deep place on our backs and we will look at the lawn from below upwards with deeply slanted eyes. As some investigators say, the case will be closed. And until then - life is (a)live! And don't forget to say Che-e-e-s-e! Ops, sometimes is better to say cheers, of course.

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  • Unfortunately, my personal laptop is weak so I critically I needed a cloud machine to take some of the work. (The home PC is obsessed, conquered by the household - wife and children). I think the Audiotool is the best even in many other vectors (best and free - it is like miracle for me).

    And I am sure that after more thinking (uptating flash extension, investigating tutorials and so on) some day I will find little details that I need to know.