Audio Charts

8 Followers 3 Following Joined about 4 years ago
This will be an organization dedicated to making graphics on the most TOP songs of the week, the month and the year, in which we will recognize their potential according to their reproductions, number of likes and predictions of experienced critics. Compiled by a combination of the score that a song gets through its reproductions and I like you.

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  • ovo

  • Hello, we mainly want to tell you that we will start working with the sum of 10-30 followers. We continue working on a structural system to be able to organize and manage the Ranking in a way that makes us differentiate ourselves from the graph that our father Audiotool brings by default. Our goal is to make the underestimated people known, because we all deserve to be recognized and we know that sometimes it is often difficult, so here we will understand the smallest producers.

  • The @Audio Charts is a great hit list of the most famous or busiest singles on Audiotool, which helps promote the music industry at the platform level. The publication of the Hot ranking is done weekly through the @Audio Charts account, on Audiotool.