
19 Followers 1 Following Joined about 13 years ago

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  • Dude your stuff is so cool what do you think on mine ?? :)

  • It's easy! From the tools menu on the right side of the screen, click and drag the pulverisateur onto the set up and double click on the layer it automatically gives you. You will get a red box, double click on that to open the box, revealing a set of piano keys with a grid next to it. Double click on the grid next to "C4". (C4 is what I always use when first figuring out notes.) And you will get a red line, that red line is a note. Next, you play with the dials on the pulverisateur until you accidentally find a sound you like, or if you know what the knobs do, play with them until you find a sound you desire.

  • two worlds hit is not that same right throught there are some little adds in the middle