58 Followers 61 Following Joined about 3 years ago

If any of ya'll need someone to talk to about your sadness, or if you wanna do a collab.

ya'll can catch me in google hangouts: CandyKandy7172 @GMAIL .com

Ya'll can go on my spotify and Like a bunch of songs an add songs that you think would be good for me to perform In the future

CandyKandy7172 @GMAIL .com

Password: WhoSaid7172

u got a problem with me, SAY IT TO MY FACE...I literally won't care what u throw at me

I only care what I tell myself...


hi, let me introduce myself,

My name is Candy, but who cares,

My age is 14, but you don't care,

My nicknames are; Pan Dulce, Dulce leche, Candy or Kandy, Jannett, Dulce, and Big Bob sometimes, and KC but I don't really care what you call me, and nor will you care,

so I decided not to make this a formal introduction, but I don't care, you don't care and since we both don't care no one else would care either.

So who cares.

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