Tracks Albums 1 good job! WPX 1 Birdcore 0:02:57 23 159 2022-03-10 Favorite Share 2 HOME - Resonance but it's drum and bass 333-i9 8 Drum & Bass vaporbreakelectronicadnbhardcorebreakbeatsynthwavesynthpopbassbreakcore 0:05:20 68 1521 2022-04-14 Favorite Share Remix 3 thoughts and pills Piinksludge 1 Drum & Bass breakcorejunglegaycore 0:03:16 45 533 2022-04-16 Favorite Share Remix 4 COME OFF IT 64 leadenshrew 1 Chiptune 0:00:36 18 102 2022-04-18 Favorite Share