Tracks Templates datepopular 1 Simple hip hop instrumental BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized hiphopsamplepianobhwlbeatz90bpm 0:01:52 63 3116 2011-09-10 Favorite Share Remix 2 Madmenz (Trap beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo Trap bhwlbeatzhip hoptrap63bpm 0:04:15 60 3778 2012-09-22 Favorite Share 3 Prince Of The City (Trap beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo Trap trapbhwlbeatzhip hopbeatz66bpm 0:05:23 50 2665 2012-09-30 Favorite Share 4 New Swag (dirty south beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized dirtysouthclubbhwlbeatz75bpmbeatz 0:04:54 42 1202 2012-02-26 Favorite Share 5 My life (hip hop instrumental) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized hiphopbhwlbeatzgated-synth82.5bpm 0:05:28 28 1241 2011-11-11 Favorite Share Remix 6 Like A Starz (Dirty south beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized guitar synthbhwlbeatz75bpmbeatzstarzdirty south 0:04:19 27 759 2012-06-28 Favorite Share 7 Mugging (Dubstep beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized dubstep140bpmbeatz 0:04:06 26 557 2012-04-01 Favorite Share 8 Harlem Clubz (Gangtsa beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized hip hopclubzgangstajazzdirty south83bpm 0:04:43 24 2059 2012-08-26 Favorite Share 9 Hounded (Hip Hop beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized santos2011bhwlbeatzsub bassillusion groove drumzgated synth72.50bpmdrops synthtube compression 0:04:41 22 803 2011-12-12 Favorite Share 10 Street story (hip hop instrumental) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized hiphopbeatz201187.5bpm 0:05:04 20 1525 2011-08-08 Favorite Share Remix 11 Quietly Furiouz (Dirty south beatz) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo uncategorized dirty southbhwlbeatz69bpm 0:05:06 19 510 2012-07-13 Favorite Share 12 Apollo (Blacktizz - Trap Music Remix) BHWLbeatz - Negstizo Trap 64bpmblacktizztrap musicclubz 0:05:26 19 1097 2013-07-24 Favorite Share Remix