Tracks Albums 1 of how I will always be wrong Take Your Prozac, Shut Uparchyives ☮ 3 Future Bass failedlosercore 0:00:25 11 60 2022-08-08 Favorite Share Remix 2 Something Movriel 1 Future Bass 0:00:33 42 322 2022-08-16 Favorite Share 3 Fear SatoruHalo ☆ 靄Trapper teen 1 Trap experimentalsatoruhalohiphop 0:01:48 190 4682 2022-08-04 Favorite Share Remix 4 fl04t1ng n 6 Hip Hop 0:00:37 21 221 2022-08-08 Favorite Share 5 lazrtag. PREPARE2QUALIFY 2 Hip Hop remixcompdeadlineaugust 6th 0:01:52 27 369 2022-07-29 Favorite Share 6 Narnia po9t 1 Hip Hop hiphoppoplofitrappansexualpoetpo9t 0:02:17 133 3669 2022-08-19 Favorite Share