kirai (@kiraidies)

31 Followers 16 Following Joined about 7 years ago

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  • Oy, reply if you're still around :(

  • You still around, dude?

  • Bro, remember that live collab you started a while ago with the wave album thing? You should check it

  • can you go check out my beats, i promise u im underrated.

  • thanks for listening to the song I'm also in NBK

  • Comment when you this message

  • If your reading this I want you to know don't give up your dream like x said dont give up he was inpiring so use that advise he gave you. don't get mad and kil yourself cause it's gonna make things worse. just don't pay attention to it bruh like I know you Love x but don't pay not 1 bit of attention don't hate yourself for this cause it wasn't your fault ok. that's all bruh don't get hard on yourself be inspired by x don't get mad just chill ok. peace ou

  • I know he's your favorite rapper so I know you go crazy for him

  • Edin are you ok from the x situation