Audiotool Ringtones

15 Followers 5 Following Joined about 11 years ago

An account dedicated to making ringtones and/or songs that are 30 seconds or less.

Logo created by @\༼ຈل͜ຈ༽/ (Kevv)

-[Main Accounts]-




@Esque (Transmorphics)

@\༼ຈل͜ຈ༽/ (Kevv)




@{stax} is the leader, ask @{stax} if you want to join the RINGTONE ARMY

Don't post dumb shit, only precious ringtones

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  • rigtone

  • Can I please join? I have a lot of good ringtones that i just keep in my drafts because its a waste to publish them on my regular account

  • Stop hatin' dude.

  • Yeah! LoL he ain't even active!


  • and btw publishing nothing for a month doesnt mean the guy isnt active, amoeba is really really busy now

  • well you and amoeba doesnt have the same style at all we'll have more choices for ringtones ;)

  • Oh come on hes posted 2 things like a month ago


  • humm theres already a ringtone thingy..