Zivya Y

7 Followers 1 Following Joined about 12 years ago

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  • hilarious! and Stop! dont move!

  • made some new samples, since my previous ones are surprisingly popular. maybe more where they came from. also might put out a new song.

  • This is my first remix contest entry "Bastille-Pompeii Remix Cont (KseeMarie92 remix)" please give it a listen and tell me how I did? Especially give it a fav!! lo siento for el spamo :*

  • I found out that it's because my phone compresses the file to fit it in its limited memory.

    But thanks anyways, Asher(:

  • it might be something to do with the format, make sure they are mp3 and of course at least a second shorter than 30 seconds, other wise it might be a network problem to do with your internet provider or on the audio tool servers, other wise just use mp3 and keep trying

  • I don't have anyone else to ask.

    And i'm not getting any feedback from audiotool sooo...

    Why aren't my samples uploading?

    They are 128kps and shorter than 30seconds. But when I upoad it, it stops right before it's done processing -_____________________-