
404 Followers 70 Following Joined about 7 years ago

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  • your pfp is judging me

  • Hey sorry to be wasting your time but could you please read!

    i would love for you to check this album out. I put absolutely everything (my mind and soul) into this album and i would love for you to drop a like and some feedback, i spent over 6 months making this album to and you checking it out would make my day, also make sure to tell what your fav song is off the album (you'll prolly love it.)

    <3 - Circles

    急上昇 (Soaring.)

  • : )

  • are you dead.

    • Not dead, generally inactive, maybe that might change

      Trying to cultivate a new acc: @Atelisis


  • ea

  • u still here?

    • Not really :/

      We'll see what this new year has in store

  • Congrats!

  • wussup

  • happy 300!!!

  • Your 300 follower!

    You deserve it bro

    • Wow, I didn't even think-- tysm :,)

  • Hey Apollo! Thanks a ton for uploading the samples manually! I'd get started with the demo as soon as possible. How would I go about that? I can't find them in the assets page of Audiotool Resource collective. Will you send me an invite to a draft or do I create one once the samples are visible?

    • Thanks! Yeah, looking forward to hear some usage too. Seems they already have been noticed :)

    • Glad we could finally release this one, good work on the recordings!

      I trust the community will do some very creative things with them ^-^

    • Cool, finally! :D Thanks so much for your effort! :)

    3 more
  • hey mate hows quarantine?

    • Its been alright, been a little busy preparing, my sister decided to fly in and stay with me for a bit, so I've been a little preoccupied lately. School starts back up next week... trying to get in to a routine... you know, the usual

  • how you doin, you feeling up for anything yet?

    • Yeah, sorry my guy. I just want to focus on brand building and personal projects right now.

      Maybe we can work on something when my workload frees up

    • Totally understand. Whatever works for you. I mean, I'm a tad bummed, because you have such a unique and likeable style,and that was so cool to work with, but its ok. Do what you want.

    • honestly, I think going solo for now is my best bet

      I don't think I'm very good at the collab thing anyways

  • Yo what's up, man?