Spicy Memes Smiley Dolphin 1 about 8 years ago 1 Kanye's Playing An Old School RPG And Is Feeling Nostalgic (Syntax Remix) kiari kiari 814 2 ARMENIX'S LEAKED DRAFTS??? Smiley Dolphin Smiley Dolphin 70 3 the duck song looks looks 7166 4 I DON'T CARE BOUT THAT humasigno (surfactant) humasigno (surfactant) 167 5 milkshake breakcore humasigno (surfactant) humasigno (surfactant) 469 6 Trolling in the Derp reina de las hamburguesas reina de las hamburguesas 120 7 Random Tetris Remix Contest (lords entry) ordinateur ordinateur 138