Unicorn Baby 64

62 Followers 124 Following Joined about 3 years ago

Hi! I'm 15 and I LOVE kpop. I like writing songs and listening to music. I like to sing and dance (but I'm horrible at dancing lol) If you follow me, I'll follow you. I like making beats but I just started so they might sound bad. Thank you for following and supporting me! My goal is to get 100 followers (okay maybe 50, I'm not that good)


- Don't follow me if you're older than 22

- Follow my bf: @niclace rogers/tubbo

- you can talk to me about anything (make sure it's not inappropriate)

- Remember that you are loved, you are beautiful, you are worth it

Random facts:

- I like learning languages

- I like to read

- I like to dance, but I'm horrible at it

- I like listening to music

- I like money (So I can buy frappuccinos from Starbucks: Caramel Frapp lol)

- I like manga/anime

- I like K-drama

- I believe in Unicorns and Mermaids

- I like dolls (You know, those cute Japanese ball-jointed dolls: See my profile pic)

- I'm secretly a unicorn that was born by Saturn and Mars

- I like galaxy print

- I have two guitars and two guinea pigs

- I love animals (Favorite animal: Cheetah)

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