Tyrant Reality

115 Followers 67 Following Joined about 12 years ago

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5- followers: YESSSS!!

10- followers: YESSSS!!

15- followers: YESSSS!!

20- followers: YESSSS!!

50- followers: YESSSS!!

100- followers: CHHHHHEEEEEEE HOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Song Milestone-

5- favorites: YESSSS!!

10- favorites: YESSSS!!

15- favorites: YESSSS!!

20- favorites: YESSSS!!

50- favorites: YESSSS!!

100- favorites:

Spam on my wall for who I care! I will listen to all the songs you post there, and read all those comments of yours!!

Also from now on, i will fav all comments just to prove to u that i am reading them!

If anyone wants to collab, just send me an invite.. and i shall join :D

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