
14 Followers 16 Following Joined about 3 years ago
I like techno, dubstep, and weird music. Me and my brother (Minor_Flux) are brothers whose names derived from the Flux Crystal from the game (, I like green and I like science. Hexagons are my favorite shape because they represent science to me, and coincidentally my brother's favorite shape is the trapezoid.

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  • Thanks for checking the music :)

    • You're welcome :)

      I like categorizing songs under albums, it makes music easier to find and it creates lovely long lists of music to auto-play through to help people focus on work or party or whatever.

  • Thanks for the follow, although can I ask of you to not flood my notifs with you adding loads of my tracks to ten separate albums

    • I find your music good, plus they fall under the categories required for them to be put in such albums. I am sorry that your notifications get flooded by it though. I know what its like, to have my notifications bombarded (this happened right after I started to follow every single person on the planet).

  • thanks for following!

  • Is Mellow State by @Advent actually the first Acoustic song ever in Why are there so few songs in Acoustic that I found the first Acoustic song ever added to LOL unused genre!

  • LOL, there's a Wikipedia page about! There's a Wikipedia page about everything, even some thing from one of my dreams... 🞇_🞇

  • thank you so much for all the support, man <3

  • My email is callmelitomusic @GMAIL .com and I'd ask for you to reach out to me there for any business inquiries. Mainly pertaining to your inquiry the other day about my track being in your video game