0-SCOPE (gone 4 a while)

99 Followers 92 Following Joined about 5 years ago

I make stuff


Feel free to ask me for any sort of help.

№ ⅝#8114 <= Discord


Always up for a collab, just message me!



(If you blatantly self promote on my wall, I will delete the comment)

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  • Really like your style

  • it's been a while. how's life?

    • I'm good as well, just checking up :)

    • Hey! Life is good, just very busy.

      How are you doing?

      Sorry for taking so long to reply btw, I'm barely active on here anymore.

  • I republished it by adding the things you did and modifying it some more. Tell me if it's OK with you or do you think there is still something to fix.

    • :)

    • Indeed, but more than anything else I forgot, even without understanding your reasons I would certainly have taken it off since you asked me to.

    • It's all good. I picked up that you either forgot or didn't understand my reasoning. Hopefully its all cleared up now :)

    5 more
  • I would like to use the things you have done, obviously specifying your name. Can I include them in the original track or would you rather we publish it as a collaboration?

    • sure

    • feel free to copy whatever you like, to the original track or a remix. I'd appreciate it if you mentioned me in the description, but dont consider me a collaborator. i dont think i contributed enough to attach myself to the project.

  • Send you the invite

    • thanks

    • let me listen it properly

    • I tweaked some things and documented everything in the comments. feel free to message me (preferably on discord) if you have any further questions.

  • liked your last track - have a question regarding snares: how do you usually mix them? They're usually a pain in my side to get right. what snares do you use?

    • awesome, appreciate it :) will test it out

    • This is how I choose and shape the sounds I use on AT, but there are different techniques, some of which share non of the processes I go through. I could go into detail about that as well, but I have most probably already dumped way more information than was necessary.

      Feel free to message me if you want me to elaborate/expand on anything or if you have questions towards anything else.

    • 3. Mess around with processing sounds individually and together. Keep the kick dry, but send every other sound to a flanger, then feed it all into a multiband compressor. What you'll get is a FX template that has been used for french house, glitchy IDM, ambient electro and early 90s UK techno. Obviously, the possibilities are endless with this sort of experimentation, so I urge you to try this out for yourself.

    3 more
  • been awhile. miss your tips

  • wanna collab

    • i do struggle with thoes

    • Improve your use of harmony and get better at sound design/mixing. come back when you've done that. I look forward to it.

      p.s. feel free to ask me if you struggle with any of those things

  • V I need tips lol

    also you are forbidden to say anything other than v in the chat on it

    • I think some polyrhythmic stuff would fit in really well too.

    • Try messing around with layering drums and add a flanger to those drums (hihats and toms sound really nice with flangers). I also recommend a squarewave lead thing to add some variation. Lastly, add some hits with high feedback delay.

  • watered down mashed potatoes are my favorite

    • Those are alright. Definitely an improvement over mashed

    • yes I have

      I prefer scalloped potatoes more

    • Have you ever cut them to thin slices, covered them in fresh herbs and spices and fried them to a golden brown colour? If you have you wouldn't be spewing such blasphemy.

  • thanks for the comments btw, i think notifications are broken at the moment

  • thank you for your comment on colours :) i work on it and it sounds so much better with a little changes 🔊

  • tysm for all the support, mate! gotta listen to other of your tracks as soon as I find some time :)

    • Thanks man!

      I listened to your albums and really enjoyed them.

      The Colours of Existence one was nice and I'll definitely listen to it (fully) when I play some games, draw or something like that.

      Keep it up!

  • We needhebben more jazz on AT