heis gang a bunch of clowns.

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  • SPACEGANG anybody???

    • what about the pulsargang tho

    • at least it's not the BLUE BRICK OF GARBAGE

      space is cool

    • Spacegang consists of a total of 10 people

      Spacegang is irrelevant

  • finally, war's over so I can fav XD

  • Hopped onto PornHub, I'm boutta beat my dick (Nice)

    Saw a fat ass so you know I had to click (Okay)

    I was boutta nut then I realized something's wrong (What)

    I think that that's my teacher, what the fuck is goin' on

    Wait, hold it, I just had a fuckin' bruh moment

    Woah, bitch, why the fuck my teacher on some hoe shit

    Just wanted to nut, now I think I'm traumatized

    I just saw my teacher getting fucked by five guys

  • guys i think we lost

    let's just lie down and die

    pulv gang forever

  • this just sealed heisgang's fate, sorry. the only people left defending it are the dubstep kids, which, in itself is an L because; dubstep.

    65 more
  • Wish I could favorite this but, I can't :,(

    3 more
  • I need to fix the vocals and mix. The whole thing is way more out of tune because of a audio interface issue

    • i knew something was out of tune

  • Only nas, I’m a heis gang member, but at the same time I’m also ur biggest fan.GODAMNIT WHY’D U HAVE TO MAKE IT SO HARD TO CHOOSE ARGH

  • Pulv gang scares me, they're just too epic!

    I don't think we can beat them... I mean sure we have ppl like Vulkron and XculE, but they have NASWALT ffs! I think that alone puts us on the loosing side... ;(

    5 more
  • imgiane using the same colored synth as your shit

    • *screaming confused*

    • Pulv is the shit

      Heis is just shit

  • poop gang

    4 more
  • Wait lol, some people really think the heis is better? HahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    • we're talking about the VST right?

    1 more
  • damn bro, have you been just waiting to roll these hits out? lol i can barely keep up ;) still love your voice, no homo <3 you should try to stretch your voice up to the next octave more often, especially on accented beats. just a suggestion. love the growl, but it feels off somehow. like out of tune, maybe? the space might be too empty as well. love it so far though!! keep writing

    • you reek, uh.

    • yes he wanted to hold back his good songs and wait to slam the site at once.

  • imagine analog heis

  • someone had to do it