Well this is my very weird remix of "the orition", it's something else than the stuff I work on but it was fun to make.

I do think I like the original better, thanks titik :~)

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  • Damn, nice flute also!

  • wow, very beautifull and relaxing sounds, love it!

  • Sounds like what my teacher put on in the background to calm the class down good job I’m still calm to this day lol

  • the warm tenseness makes my legs tingle and my ears linger in joy :>

    • Republished to make it more soundtrack :~)

    • Thanks titik, :) maybe I'm going to update this version with a space synth to make it more soundtrack, but I'm working on that and can't say when ready jet, before deadline. :~)

  • Republished

    space add, soundtrack up

  • Very cool !